If you were born on January 11, your crush will most likley reject you.
Person born on January 11: Can we go on a date?

Crush: No, because you were born on January 11
by hi is a way to say hello November 1, 2019
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People born this date arr yo lame to confesa their feelings to their love interests.
John:Why don't you tell her that You love her??
Michael:Sorry I can't i was born on January 11
by Mark Smug November 5, 2019
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The day 9/11 will officially become funny, as all tragedies become funny after 22.3 years.
I can't wait to start telling my best bin Laden jokes on January 11, 2024.
by Hubert Cumberdale Jr. May 15, 2011
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If you are born on January 11, you are a feisty beast. You are usually short, based on the horoscope of that day. You have a tiny butt, according to the government.
Oh she is a feisty beast, she must be born on January 11
by averygiskewl October 12, 2019
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The day an angel was born. Has a massive fat cock and has really good friends. Some of his classmates are jealous of him!
January 11 2009 is a good day to be born
by Arandomguyisamongus January 21, 2022
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Who horns in this day, you such a good luck girl. You deserved the love and surrounded by love. Everyone will thank s having you to their life.
A:thanks for coming my life
B: you too
A:11 January, you such a good dude
by I wish you have a good day November 22, 2021
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