The hardest question you'll find in a math test
1 + 1 = orange
by MythicalCode_ March 19, 2018
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If the era of the dinosaurs isn't justified, why should this equation be?
Your Teacher: "Because it's math you idiot! 1 + 1 isn't rocket science!"
My Teacher: "?"
Nice Teacher: "Nice try! I'll help you later!"
Best Teacher: "....."
by howdareyouopposememortal October 8, 2020
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Its a very simple math problem, but yet its freaking hard at three in the morning without coffee.
by Zack the feind ninja January 9, 2006
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1.) A post in a forum/message board that indicates the person agrees with a previous or quoted reply to a thread.

2.) Shorthand for "My thoughts exactly" or "me too".
Joe posts: " is a great site for learning forum speak."

Floe responds: "+1"
by Joe Mama April 28, 2004
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Used to represent a sly grin or a smirk in an Instant Message or SMS conversation.
DeliciisB4b3: Ur sooo hottt omg
HottguyF00tb4ll: I no, rght? :-1
by .Storm July 11, 2008
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When you are so excited or so angry that you lift your hand off the shift key to early and accidentally put a "1" at the end of your numerous exclamation marks.
Mother: GET HOME NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Child: Ugh okay!

Jenny: I cant wait to finally have sex with him!!!!!!!!!!111111111
Dan: Um I am you ex why are you telling me this?
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As a telephone number, +1 represents the North American Numbering Plan - which covers much of the English-speaking Caribbean as well as Canada, the US and its possessions. It's much like the "+1" concept in event invitations - you want to invite Canada, but they won't come unless you let them bring their loud, obnoxious neighbor as a "+1".
Life was so much simpler before the phone companies found computers. Instead of singing "PEnnsylvania 6-5000" all of the musicians stand up and call out "+1-212-736-5000" now? Where's the tradition in that?
by bitchuck September 23, 2023
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