I don't live in a mobile home, I live in a tiny house, mobile homes are for poor people and comply with safety regulations.....
by DAG June 28, 2023
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House music for shopping malls.

House music for people who like to say "house music" who know nothing about house music.
by Bad Grampa July 14, 2022
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when a lot of straight dudes live in a house together but do a lot of stuff naked
Man 1: You remember Jimmy , Ronald and Derek from school?
Man 2: Yeah they live in a crocker house now. Weekend parties with the boyssss!!!
by AdiGoCrazy October 25, 2022
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Yo momma house:mainly define when yo boy Roderick is at yo momma house when Roderick at yo momma house you should try your hardest to make it to yo mom as fast as you can before Roderick fuck yo momma at yo momma house no matter how hard to try to make it you never do all you could do it sit and wait for Rodrick to leave yo momma which will take 5-10hours! beware if you see Roderick at yo momma house pray for yo momma
Example:Him:where Roderick

Her:I think I seen him at yo momma house
Him:oh no!!
Her:yup you to late all u can do is wait
by Demarcus cousins lll November 23, 2021
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British Slang for describing when something is unpleasant, typically when one is feeling rough and unwell.

Originally linked from the term “Rough house” which meant pub/bar.
“Woke up this morning feeling rough as houses


“The place we went last night was rough as houses
by Pilot123a October 4, 2022
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(Verb: Ninja Housing)
To build a house in the woods completely silently, so quitely that even if you were on a discord vc people wouldn't hear you. Any house built in this manner is a ninja house
My friend likes to go ninja housing, they're nearly done with their latest project. Wow, tell me when I can see the finished ninja house
by Muscle Tissue Enjoyer August 2, 2022
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