A guy who claims to buy clothes every day but andreea knows he ain’t rich and he’s lying
Mister I buy clothes every day texted me today! Fuck off u dump
by hotpotato July 13, 2018
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Is a soldier you can olso name him aiman the super sprinkhaan, but MisterMantis is his real name.
Boy: Who Did you here about mister mantis
Girl: Yeah He is so cool and hot
by MISTERMANTIS August 1, 2017
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The name for someone who takes everything twice as serious as it should be. He would overthink twice as much, be twice as snooty as usual and twice as ugly as everyone else
1 Mister double over there looks silly
2 Ikr, why’s he overdoing everything
1 Such a pick me
by lmao what do I write hereee March 28, 2022
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a dangerous brug who knows how to handle enemies and perform well in fights. he could also be able to extract tons of money from many people via cryptocurrency scams
Pierc: Yo don... watch out for mister brug.

Don: oh no! my entire bank account has been turned into etherium and drained from my wallet!
by Briugiugashiushliugie June 29, 2022
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1. noun. Reffering to the Jim Henson character from Sesame Street. Any person often reffered to and talked about by a single person or small group of people, but who has yet to actually show up anywhere that you and/or most people you know have ever been, often creating doubt as to whether this person actually exists.

2. adjective. Having charachteristics of someone often reffered to and/or talked about, but who one has never met or never seems to actually be present, and possibly may not even exist.
1. Alexis has been talking about her boyfriend Byran for over a month, but I think he's a "Mister Snuffleupagus".

2. I think this guy you keep talking about who supposedly has the best shit in town for cheap is totally Mister Snuffleupagus, dude.
by Christopher J Olsen September 11, 2006
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This is used to define a sex predator. The blank is the name of the person who is the sex predator.
by Vikstar456 March 30, 2023
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