The result of one eating until their stomach is at, or over, the limit of what it can contain. People commonly are diagnosed with "buffet hangover" at places where there is no limit to how much one can eat, such as a buffet or events/holidays which involve large quantities of food.

The common symptoms of "buffet hangover" include;
- laziness
- drowsiness
- stomach pains
- nausea

Depending on your age and what you ate, other symptoms may include;
- heart-burn
- food poisoning
- diarrhea
- excessive vomiting
Example 1:
"Man, I should not have went to that party on an empty stomach. I totally had a buffet hangover!"

Example 2:
"Jack had a buffet hangover at that new all-you-can-eat place. He spent all night barfing up a storm!"
by BrianDZ March 8, 2016
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multiple good looking people in the same place/room.

(made by Emma Mc, on ft with Leah Mc and Erin T)
I'm on a call with Emma, Leah and Erin, this is a million dollar buffet.
by million dollar buffet February 20, 2021
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This is the act of eating out of a bus pan or cleared plates from a customers table in a restaurant. In the middle of a 12 hour shift those fries do start to call your name.
You want any of this cheese? It's fresh off the bus pan Buffet they barely touched it.
by Sarcasticseriously July 22, 2017
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putting and eating food out of a freshly cleaned ass
Dude I tube buffeted my doctor yesterday
by Burner Boi May 7, 2020
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when 4 or more of elderly women of age 70 and plus, engaging in any sexual acts with a male to achieve orgasm. However, if the male is aroused through his prostate in order to achieve orgasm it is then considered the Atl buffet.
Dude, too bad you missed out on the raisin buffet last night. Mildred, was insane.
by madmaximo December 29, 2016
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When your significant other performs oral sex on another man and then feeds his semen to you like a mother bird feeds their young
"last night I hooked up with this chick and she had a boyfriend. after she went down on me she gave him a cuck buffet right in front of me!"
by dirtywastelander37 May 9, 2023
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When you eat so much food at a buffet and feel drunk
by Jawcooper July 9, 2021
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