the type of person who will help you do anything, even when it gets repetitive and annoying
Person 1: Hey dude do you mind helping me with carrying this box of XL sized dildos?
Person 2: Sure, no problem!
Person 1: What a Pasta "Hippo" Sauce
by Pр Man February 27, 2021
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When during a threesome, he or she takes a mouthful of cum, and then forces it into the third parties asshole via their mouth.
Dude, my girlfriend totally tossed the sauce with our pick up last night!
by Mtb-homie January 19, 2017
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Sketti Sauce is another way of calling a woman pregnant. It can take the place of the more common theme "Prego"
Hey have you seen Lexa?
Oh yeah she is definitely Sketti Sacue right now.
Sketti Sauce?
Ya know... pregnant lol as much as one can be.
by LeMinja July 20, 2016
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When after eating chile you experience extremly spicy diarrhea.
"Oh damn someone left some texas hot sauce in the bathroom."

Garrett:"Oh sorry. I didnt think anyone would notice."
by Asian Kid pwns Friend February 12, 2012
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A large amount of swag that any one person possesses
"Wow! Jeffrey has got that Todd Todd sauce about him tonight!"

"Check out Jeffrey's outfit and his new car! He's got that Todd Todd sauce!"
by jay-stiner October 6, 2021
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A liquid substance that is either extremely gross or awesome.
Dump out the water in that pot, its been on the stove for 3 weeks and now mold is growing on the top. Oh my bad, that's complete gnartar sauce.
by L_P_J_Eckley April 18, 2010
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The mess you have to clean off your toilet after a terrible Mexican dinner.
Guy 1: Dude did you see that toilet? Its covered in some major texas booty sauce.

Guy 2: yeah man, who ever did that must have had some bad Mexican food
by Deathbybacon December 29, 2016
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