A powerful battle station in space that shoots deadly great walls
Build by Mexicans to keep mexicans and rebels out
Owned by Emperor Donald Trump
by Emperor Donald Trump January 10, 2017
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An apres-ski drink where an espresso shot is dropped into a pint of beer and consumed.
I was torn because it was 8am on the West coast of the US but 5pm in Austria, so I decided to have a Death Cookie.
by Texas Thompkins November 1, 2019
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A limo car used by hood residents back in the early days of hip hop in New York City
Me and my boys when cruising in a death o j after the show.
by Wamwam61 August 9, 2021
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When great effort is rewarded by the internet with unexpected and tremendous support through social media exposure and embracing of product/goods or services.
*Dude those Findlay hats are incredible, share it on reddit so they can get a cuddle of death.
**Im sure those upvotes translate to sales, hope they can keep up with the surge of orders.
by trendforcaster April 13, 2016
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A domain expansion that allow's the person to gamble
Hakari: "im losing this fight... TIME TO GAMBLE. domain expansion: Idle death gamble"
by StarkDangerAtschool June 21, 2024
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The "Chill death" of the universe occurs when a person lays down, sits, and stands simultaneously, resulting in the instant and complete annihilation of the known universe.
"holy fucking shit, that guy's standing and laying down! Stop him before the Chill Death of the universe kills us all!"
by spice_221 May 5, 2021
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