An insult used as a defense when one is simply terrible at fantasy football
How did you go 0-14 in Fantasy last year, did you just not try?

No, I tried every week.

Man, you must suck as fantasy football.

Eat my add…
by cuyahogablues August 31, 2023
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suck a dick equivalent to telling someone suck a dick or smd
eat a man/ eat a manwich
by kylekilledyou September 13, 2021
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Wucka wucka eat is another way to add spice or say you’re hungry in a funny way.
Mannn is it time to wucka wucka eat yet?
by Alleshe W April 16, 2021
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a way to express a feeling of anger, resentment, or jealousy.
Tom: I got a 62 on the test, what bout you?
Rob: 92
Tom: Eat butt
by myownpseudonym May 25, 2022
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Eat soup - are gay/men liker
Person1 "I bet you eat soup'
Person2 "uhhh no!"
by Unknown loser May 7, 2020
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The customer at Jimmy John's who comes right before closing time and fucks up all the chips.
Employee: Ah shit I gotta restock and rotate chips again because of this chip eating bastard!
by the_game March 5, 2021
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