When you put on a few pounds because you have a girlfriend.
Have you seen Johnny lately? It looks like he’s gained a few pounds Since he’s been with his girlfriend. It looks like he’s suffering for a girlfriend stomach. When you stop caring about himself and his girlfriend over feeds him.
by Good witch October 27, 2018
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A Girl or person who has a pewbic area so smooth that it looks like part of their stomach.

If one were to start at the girls midriff, "stomach, stomach, stomach, vagina" instead of "stomach, stomach, pewbic area, vagina"
She's a Stomach Stomach Stomach Girl.
by Jimbothejimbo September 13, 2022
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is to get the male sex organ inserted hard or hardly into the femal sex organ.
I’ve had his meat in my stomach
by Small critic March 14, 2022
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When you fuck a girl so deep and hard, that her egg fucking explodes. Then, causing an extinction in her ovaries.
It was a casual day in the Angry Bird Kingdom... and oh! WHAT THE FUCK?!
Red: So Chuck you will not believe this
Chuck: Wha-
Bomb: Hey man what the fuck did you do to my bed.
Jay Jake and Jim: We fucked our 3 twin sisters last night!
Red: ...
Bomb: I just pounded your mother last night, Jake!
Jim: NANI?
Bomb: I gave her a dino stomach!
Matilda: Looks like I'll shoot other things out my ass!
\('v')/ good for you
by ☆★Midas★☆ February 16, 2022
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This is when you have a stomach that can endure eating everything including rotten cheese. Lets just paint the picture.. You are sitting with your friends eating some taco soup and you reach into the fridge for some cheese to put on top..... you didnt know it but the cheese expired by quite a bit...... you all partake in the full meal including the cheese. Shortly everyone gets sick except one........ That person is crowned with the the prize..... They have STOMACH OF THE OX!!
Dude.... I cant believe you ate that.... You must have Stomach of the ox!!!
by Jmontana August 4, 2022
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A competitive sport where you drink wet cement and try to shit it out before it hardens in your stomach and you die.
Aaron: Do you want to play some Stone Cold Stomach?
Cole: I'm down.
by PikzelEcho March 12, 2022
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A stomach shit is when you feel a ball of shit so prominent in your stomach. You feel a shitball in your gut. Depending on the tier of the shit is how much pain you will endure. If your shit comes out fast and watery, it’s almost desirable. But when you have a shit that’s hard to push out, it hurts like a bitch.
Bestie 1: Broooo I have a stomach shit
Bestie 2: Aw, I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the shit tier?
Bestie 1: I think it’s tier 1.
by shizter October 2, 2022
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