Some days you wish you had huge boobs and other days you wish were flat as a wall. Like gender fluid but just for your breasts, or lack thereof, depending on the day.
Trash - Man i wish i had no boobs today
Chuck - I know right? Me too
Trash - And then yesterday i wanted my melons to be massive
Chuck - ME TOO. Maybe we're just Boob-fluid
Ah - ....What???
Emoomily - I forgot what i wanted to say.
by chuck<3tiites June 15, 2022
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Being able to properly stand your ground on various topics even if the topics differ greatly in substance.

Often confused with hypocrisy.
Just because Khalea defended people who have truck-nuts then proclaimed how people who own truck-nuts should be shot is not hypocracy, its fluid mental rigidity.
by Heauxsferatu January 15, 2017
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A person or business that goes back and forth on ripping other people off.
That Vet is very Wallet Fluid becuase they always change their prices on pet care.
by jondich February 11, 2023
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The ultimate act of vengeance after being fired from a job. It involves taking a willing sexual partner to your former workplace for an after hours visit. The aim is to fuck on, and spread bodily fluids over, as many surfaces and objects as possible, particularly those of your boss and most hated colleagues.
Helen: ‘I heard you got canned from your job? You must be furious.’
Rachel: ‘Look, I was at first, but then Liam helped me give those cunts a top notch fluid farewell. Now when I’m feeling betrayed I just think of how I worked Jessica’s phone handset into my snatch and I instantly feel much better. I mean, she holds that thing up to her face!’
by likesecco March 30, 2020
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Fluid used in car seats in order to make them move front to back, shift left and right, and raise/lower the seat. Similar to blinker fluid.
You need to check your seat fluid the same time you change your blinker fluid to keep your car in well runnin condition.
by Kswaggo November 11, 2017
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... posits that many of the putative unchangeable characteristics, such as race or gender,will become irrefutably protean in the future given we reach the point where it's technologically possible to do things like switch genders or race more easily & or in a (more) irrefutable manner. Supposed unchangeable characteristics would become patently changeable & analogous to the clothes one chooses to wear or the colour of hair one chooses to have.
Jolyne: Methinks Radical Fluid Identity Theory is a good idea. It'll prolly get people in the mindset of wanting to try all the stuffs. All the genders, all the races, all the characteristics, all the life, do everything, shag everything, everybody love everybody bruh.

June: Yo dude it gets me hype. I cannot wait for the future.

Reaves: Yo I remember the future
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