Munt= man cunt- when calling someone a dick just doesn't cover it.
Bob: wow Jim is an asshole when he's drunk.

Bill: yeah he's a real munt!
by pseudostan October 1, 2014
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"Damn I'm in the mood for some munt action tonight"
by Deano-1-2-3 September 26, 2015
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Slur used to discribe black africans, usually a man. Most oftenly used by white zambians, zimbabweans and sometimes arabs.
Also used as a replacement for calling someone gay, faggot, bitch, retard, idiot, etc...
1. ''did you hear what happened to aiden?''

''he got robbed by a bloody munt last night''
2. ''comon bro stop being such a munt''
by prytx June 9, 2018
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To throw up, particularly when under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Tyson's such a bitch he had 3 shots and he's about to munt
by Gary the old man July 10, 2022
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A man cunt

Subject but not limited to men named Craig, men 5’10 or shorter, men with small hands, men that are balding but don’t bick their head, men that have never been married and are over 40 years of age, men that finish quickly and don’t return the favor, shallow men, and men that are from Connecticut.
Craig fucked me in a parking lot on our first date then got turned off the next day when he found out he wasn’t the only guy I’ve slept with on the first date. What a munt!
by Lizalini September 29, 2018
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