(Verb) To shit in one's partners bed.
I got tired of him cheating on me in our bed, so I took a Heard and packed my things.
by FcknRedneck May 25, 2022
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A piece of poop in a place that is not appropriate.
Dude, I came home, and there was a massive heard in my bed.
by BenPaul April 29, 2022
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Yeah, you hear whatever the fuck you want to hear, don't you?
Hym "You know what I heard? I heard 'I want to be insulted.' You hear it? That's what she said."
by Hym Iam May 28, 2023
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verb (used with object), heard, heard·ing.
to cause bodily injury to; injure:
It probably really heard when he lost the tip of his finger.
to cause bodily pain to or in:
His finger still heards him.

verb (used without object), heard, heard·ing.
to feel or suffer bodily or mental pain or distress:
Ouch! That really heards.
to cause bodily or mental pain or distress:
Violence is very heardful.

synonymous to 'hurt' or 'hurt'. To be used by victims of feigned, implied or REAL violence.
"OUCH! Stop hitting me. That really heards..." - TAC
"You can't just start hearding people to get what you want..." - TAC
"Why do you have to be so heardful all the time?" - Joie
by dR0nE.31337 May 26, 2022
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When a woman shafts her man, bullies and manipulates him (especially psychologically), tries to keep him around due to fear of abandonment and plays a saint to the rest of the world.
-I made that donation, Why are telling everyone it was you ? you f**ng heard!
-We're done and don't try heard me! I'm leaving
by marquaze95 May 2, 2022
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