(adj) in accordance with fact or truth

(verb) to rectify
bro1: by the time sujal types, the ipl will be over bro
bro2: that is correct brooo

bro3: facts bro
by TroofMesatur September 21, 2020
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A prison in Michigan where assholes whose names are Nick reside
Person1:Hey you know Nick?
Person2:Yeah! He smokes crack and I had sex with him and I'm only 14! and he's 19!!
Person1: that one sick pedophile bastard! he belong in da thumb correctional facility yo!
by crackamalibu December 31, 2011
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1)A recent british expression that comes from the 20st century that comes from the word : Political correctness. It's basically everything that's considered legal and "okay" in our society. In the litteral form, it's the "correct" attitude or behaviour demonstrated by politics, medias and laws.
1) What's the polithically correct way to call a mentally disabled individual ?
It's an intellectually disabled !
2) Edwards: Can I jump ?
Edwards: CAN I JUMP BOB ?
Bob: Hell no, that's so dangerous, you could ...

*jumps anyways and bumps his head on a rock*
Bob: Well, if I was polithically correct, Id have to help you up, but you are not worth the shot.
by The real Simon says September 23, 2018
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Some fucking word that retarded and some teachers may say that is very annoying especially when they scream it at the top of their fucking lungs for everyone to hear.
Hey Daniel come here and answer this question for us!

Daniel: (writes down correct answer) (somehow)

teacher: CORRECT-A-MUNDO!!!!!!!!!!
by Correctamundohater9000 June 26, 2022
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A government-run facility designed to "rehabilitate" or "correct" individuals who fail to conform to societal norms. These institutions are marketed as a means of protecting the greater good and maintaining social order, but they have been criticized for their potential to suppress individual freedom and human rights.

In a social correction center, individuals are subjected to strict discipline and control.

Their every action is monitored, and any deviation from the norm is met with punishment.

The goal is to mold citizens into obedient, conformist individuals who will follow the dictates of those in power.

The term "social correction center" is often used as a euphemism for more sinister facilities, such as concentration camps or forced labor camps.

The origins of the term can be traced back to the euphemisms used by authoritarian regimes to describe their prison camps and reeducation centers.

Social correction centers have been utilized by various governments throughout history, and their existence remains a controversial topic. While proponents argue that they are necessary for maintaining social order, critics contend that they represent a grave threat to individual freedom and human rights.

The controversy surrounding social correction centers raises important questions about the balance between individual freedom and social order and the potential dangers of government overreach.
The government sent the dissident to a social correction center in an attempt to rehabilitate their behavior and force them to conform to societal norms.
by The Ferocious Whomper April 16, 2023
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Something you put on your face so that other people's beauty becomes more apparent. It fixes the problem in your eyes.
Hey, give me my corrective lens', I need them to ride that outlandish giraffe.
by PAYJE April 20, 2010
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