Fetish where a man ejaculates into a persons nostril.
My nostrils sting because of that Nasal Cream he gave me last night.
by Dan&Glacombs May 8, 2018
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A type of cream for your nosetrils that is meant to be soothing
WARNING: Nasal Cream can cause pain in one's small intestine.
I do not like Nasal Cream because it hurts my small intestine
by The pigeon of doom June 5, 2020
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When yellow people/creautures do the bussy, yellow cvm comes from their ussy.
by LinxFoxx March 11, 2022
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When you have anal sex with your female partner and you ejaculate in her anus and pull it out. Then she squats on your chest and blows out cottage Ville cream cakes. My partner loves to tease a Cottageville cream cake
by Cottageville cream cake October 9, 2018
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The little cups of frozen treat that they serve you in church as a bribe for showing up and enduring the boring sermon.
If a church sermon is intended to be enjoyed instead of endured, how come the only part of it that I get any pleasure out of is the ice cream Sunday at the end?? Plus they only give everyone such a tiny portion, with no extra scoops/helpings as a reward if you managed not to squirm or whimper! Why, for as much agony as I went though to sit on that hard wooden seat and suffer through an hour and a half of hypocritical lecturing , they should give me a while BOWL of ice cream!
by QuacksO June 14, 2018
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