Trust me this Crisis I’m dealing with is more than just a tick ok???
by YuOfTheNight May 9, 2020
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some dumb shit your friends say to u when ur angered which furthermore triggers another tick until you’re in an eternal loop of ticks and wish you could die to escape them but it’s impossible.
Holy shit fuck you dude

omg that’s a tick”
by tickman14 April 13, 2022
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Traveling journeyman that expects apprentices to do there work for them
Big jobs always have a couple of ticks
by Electrician 503 September 7, 2021
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An insult handcrafted for extremely annoying, obsessive poeple that are just... Always there.

They never leave anyone alone. And they will do anything to receive attention.
"Im gonna go to the store man, see ya in a bit."
"No! Dont go yet, stay a bit more.."
"You're such a tick sometimes man."
by FryMan9000 September 8, 2023
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A bloke who nods on everything, but hardly contributes. A social or energetic parasite. They place the weight of expectation hoping to get out of doing any real working out.
I've been working shit out for you all evening. You fucking tick, where are your goals?
by 20one February 9, 2023
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A married man who is trolling the dating apps and dating women way out of his League, lying to them and pretending to want to build a long term relationship. He buries in deep and tries to elicit feels from the unknowing victim.
Jordan is such a Tick. He is married and sexted me.
by HIRH October 7, 2022
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