A blow job with pop rocks in his/her mouth
"Dude Stacys mom gave me a mineral blast!"
by Minge monster February 18, 2016
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The type of guy who plug in headphones but listens to nothing.
Yo dude what ya listening g to? (Guy with headphones) Nothing bro, why?(concerned friend) Bro you are such a Miner G
by Miner G March 4, 2018
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One who seeks to cause another or a group of others to rage on social media.
Impy is trying to be a rage miner but he's just a fail troll.
by B3£1GHT December 31, 2022
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Person 1: is opal a mineral dude
Person 2: dude no one knows cause safari can’t make up it’s damn mind
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mouth breathers who spend an inordinate amount of time digging around inside their diapers for shit (both real and metaphorical) to spout, eat or sniff.
QAnon rally today gathered together a large group of diaper miners to eagerly listen to their manipulators warn them about the deep state lizard people taking their guns and giving their Muslim dogs abortions.
by Macro Anon October 15, 2020
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A person who mines lobsters for a living at the bottom of the ocean. Usually part of a larger lobster mining company or lobster mining union. This person mines lobsters for a considerable profit. Equipment includes a pick axe and scuba gear.
What does John do for a living nowadays?
Oh he's a lobster miner.
That's cool, i bet he rakes in the cash.
by Ryan Paul Brooks March 18, 2007
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A dusty miner is when a male stops having sex with a women right before she is about to cum just to piss her off
My boyfriend pulled a dusty miner on me last night
by Matt Guzzleberg May 1, 2020
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