An slang Aussie fishing term used to describe fishing in the Murray for Cod and hoping the fish takes the bait and runs with the hook.
Bit quiet on the river today Scotty, hope one will take the cheese and run with it soon.
by Aussie fisho October 8, 2018
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When you’re banging a larger individual and leave right after the deed is done.
Brad: “Bro. Didn’t realize that chick was a pig so I had to hog run.”
by Ghana_Ghana_Ghana December 3, 2017
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When your laying in the road having a mid-day nap,and a car drives over you.
WHY that man is lying in the road like that. Did it look like a comfy place for an afternoon nap?

this is the 7th or 8th time hes been run over by that car, and we just didnt see the previous runnings-overings
by Remains July 6, 2023
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When you drive around in your car with some friends, usually in a neighborhood while smoking weed.
I loved the scene in Dazed and Confused when those kids were fucking up mailboxes during their smoke run.

You want to go for a motherfuckin smoke run after this beer?
by PulpFictionFan94 September 10, 2017
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Refers to the common but totally unproductive/destructive practice of a young child's parents and/or two or more older family members successively "delegating" or "passing the buck" from one family member to another when the youngster asks a difficult/uncomfortable question, rather than the initially-queried adult's simply saying, "I don't know" or, "That is not something you need to know just yet --- wait till you're a few years older to ask about that."
Small girl: Daddy, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Father (glancing up from his evening paper): Go ask your mother that question.
Small girl (toddling over to her mother, who is knitting by the fire): Mommy, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Mother (looking up from her knitting, surprised): You know --- that's a really excellent question... why don't you ask your father about that.
Small girl: Well, I already did --- Daddy told me to ask you.
Mother (exasperated): Oh --- well, then, I think maybe your Uncle John could help you answer that.
Small girl (going outside where her uncle is lounging on the porch swing): Uncle John, how was I born? Where did I come from?
Uncle John: Hummmm... lemme guess --- didja ask your parents about that, and they sent you to me?
Small girl: Yes, Uncle John --- Mommy said you'd be just the person to ask.
Uncle John: Ahhhh... givin' ya da ol' family-member run-around, are they?
by QuacksO October 27, 2016
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(run - it - up - pi-rhow)

a pyro who uses either the backburner or stock flamethrower in conjunction with the thermal thruster to jump into the other team as much as possible
most commonly seen on ashville, these pyros abuse easy access to the enemy team's batts and ramp in order to maximize their dpm and death count
"why is carcin there, man?"
"he's playing run it up pyro!"
by emokasper July 21, 2022
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Means fuck off in a northern English ‘polite ‘ manner
The big beast is here , ‘tell him ‘ run ya duck !!!’
by Rick the tiger July 27, 2019
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