Similar to Running Top but, is used for males that eat a females cat on da regular.
Tobi: Thomas you Run Up Chamber
Thomas: Ik, I also run top
Tobi: You're Gay
by Tehail March 15, 2018
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An unsuccessful raid done by undergeared characters in World of Warcraft.
@everyone log for super-duper ICC25 8/12 HC, toons 5.5k+ req with gems and enchants (I don't want to call it a chill run tho :D)
by momezzz February 16, 2021
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Group of cars driving to the shops to collect bread and milk
A common misconception is that most of the cars have 2L engines a size in which milk comes in, however this is not true
Hey a milk and bread run is called milk and bread run because of all the 2L engines,
No,no it's not serene
by Unknown1735391 May 22, 2017
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No person willingly partakes in long distance running. If you see a team or person say that they run "because it's fun", they are lying to cover up their cult-like ideals. Rather, the person who said it is desperately crying for help or they are too far gone.
"Oh you do running?"
"Yeah, we like running for fun!"
"We've been spotted: abandon immediately!"
by SelfHatingButterAddict May 9, 2020
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How someone below the legal drinking age would ask an older person to buy them alcohol. Slang.

Came from saying “can you run to the liquor store for me”
Hey big bro, can you get me a run for this weekend?
by NSvero August 22, 2022
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Shitting your tent so vad you have to leave it behind at a music festival after eating bad shrooms.
Must have been the fried oyster -mountain runs

Little kid: Hey daddy, whats a mountain runs?
Dad: I think its refered to as a stowers.
by Mountainruns365 October 10, 2013
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There was a serial killer in the 1930’s in this place called Kingsbury Run in Ohio. I think that the place was like part of the Cleveland Ohio metropolitan area or something. Anyways, they killed like around 5 or 6 people or something. Decapitated their heads and left their bodies on the streets. His identity has never been known.

The killer completely got away with everything
I wonder who the Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run was, and what was their motivation behind the murders ?

World may never know…
by Death Menace March 1, 2023
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