the only one immature is you
for not being able to face me
Making everything you *write*, not even speak, unreliable.
by Krkič June 14, 2019
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Free Writing is usually used by spending a set time to write, even if you don’t want to. Some writers use it when they have the opposite of writers block: they want to write so much, but they can’t keep their thoughts straight.
by ReadingInACorner October 22, 2017
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A term used when somebody is writing so badly that everybody is criticizing it.
random dude - "bruh this dude is writing a speech with a stick"
by Betaic January 5, 2021
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I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality
The Chorus of I Write Sins Not Tradegies
by GravityManipulationUnit June 7, 2020
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Do absolutely nothing and/or watch YouTube for the following hours
Alright I am going to write a lyqd compiler

Guys development is going great on writing a lyqd compiler
by Lord Woffle The III December 1, 2021
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The only way known to mankind to write in gibberish

No wonder you got an F on every test
"Cursive writing, another form of pure, insufferable pain"
by DefinitelyNotARacist July 18, 2023
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When you've left marks on the toilet bowl because you've been leaning forward on your phone when you took a shit. Different consistency to pebble dash.
One flush without looking won't hide the evidence.
Wife: Jeff! You've left Chinese writing in my bog again!
by Giraffesgotmoves January 17, 2018
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