Have sex in a Tesla while it's charging. This answers the question of what people are doing while their EV is charging.
You can tell they're Gettin' Plugged from tha way that Tesla's bouncin'
by Bondedbytruth July 27, 2022
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Homie 1: Last night I ran into Jan. I was gettin lucky until her Mom came home.

Home 2: You are the man!
by Dr Shakes December 21, 2011
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To have a secret sexual relation with someone. To get butt while keeping it on the DL.
Guy1 : Hey man, you get any butt recently?

Guy2 : Yah dude, how about you?

Guy1 : Yah but tell me who???

Guy2 : I can't man, I'm gettin' stealthay
by King Of Butt May 29, 2011
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When someone who is bald passes by and you or a friend sticks a dildo on his head. The bald person then just got dildoed
by 6EIoT May 22, 2023
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A action of getting/ a gettin'
I'm out a gettin' some lunch, be back in awhile
by Bob the lob October 2, 2020
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When two people are making out they can be said to be gettin' licky.
Person 1: Hey, have you seen Nash or Vanessa?
Person 2: Yeah, they are over there in that corner gettin' licky.
by Amaya Ellis July 3, 2016
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