the feeling of being overwhelmed by too many deep and meaningful conversations or experiences, that you crave simplicity and superficial interactions
“They just keep having the most meaningful and powerful realizations that I have some serious depth fatigue going on. Can we please just get stoned and watch this sitcom?”
by casia.xx August 25, 2022
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The failure to notice something that is truly amazing because there's just so much out there to get awed by.
"Hey, kids! Look up in that tree, that's a leopard-- in the wild!"

"Yeah whatever," says the child while stooped over an iDevice.

"Never mind--Amazingness Fatigue."
by twajjo October 26, 2011
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When someone continually complains about how much work they have or how tired they are instead of actually doing work to achieve some type of validation and avoid doing work at the same time.
"Dude, you are going through Hypocritic Fatigue Syndrome, please shut your face hole."
by Wumperson November 3, 2020
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