Sending your friends a snapchat of you sitting on the toilet, usually with a cup of coffee in hand, followed by a seductive wink. You may or may not be accompanied by your infant niece or nephew.
"Hey, did you see Simon's snap story? He was Doin a Stru"
by SocialCueWho September 15, 2021
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go on a bender' 'if ain't made in a lab i ain't doin' it' 'fuck off' 'pizza' '67 hour session
"He raved so long and he was phoning another dealer after sixty hours on a MONDAY morning!"

"Yes mate, doin' an Olli'
by Dave Rave West April 20, 2011
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Contributing social poise as well as good looks, in a combination that leads one to reason that he/she is not human!
by ghandi JI December 17, 2006
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