The first cancelled day of a school district brought on at the first sight of snow simply because the teachers don't feel like going to work. This most commonly occurs on a Monday, maximizing the chance of every staff member being hung over.
1: Fuck yeah, school's cancelled and there's absolutely no snow on the ground!

2: Must have been a premature cancellation.
by PloskJ January 11, 2012
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A marketing strategy to garner more publicity from cancellation of a product or feature, than through traditional methods such as an award or introducing something new.
There's no marketing budget this year, so we used a Cancellation Gambit to get some free PR by news outlets.
by omnix November 3, 2022
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When you’ve reached the maximum number of cancels before you have to follow through with plans.
Shit I gotta go hang with Hallie tonight, I’ve reached my cancel quota.
by Ca$$ius September 11, 2022
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cancellation kink is when annoying, right-wing figures (comedians, podcast hosts etc.) talk about constantly being canceled, cumming in their pants about the imaginary discrimination they're facing. in reality, the worst they are experiencing is someone telling them that their joke is offensive or what they just said is misinformed and stupid.
isaac butterfield has a cancellation kink, he never shuts the fuck up about being attacked by the woke left even when he's not.
by s0ckegg November 18, 2022
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noun: a person who derives sexual gratification and joy over being cancelled on the internet
A: Man this youtuber seems like he is always trying to get cancelled!
B: He must have a cancellation kink.
A: He freaking thrives off of it.
by heyyoongles November 10, 2020
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Where internet ppl narrow in on one person's mistake and criticize them to the point of global hate
Taylor Swift was a victim of cancel culture in 2016
by thecherryontop77 October 6, 2023
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Ope! See that? See, it's not that the cancel culture is bad and wrong. It's not the top down ideological control by way of the media being used to destroy people lives for trivial things... It's the religious conservatives not being in control of everyones lifes. That's the problem with cancel culture. The REAL problem is that THEY should be doing the canceling.
Hym "But... Matt... You said that the tactics they use are fascistic... You spent years saying that the woke left are the REAL fascists... And now your solution is to... Do the thing that made them fascists? So... You ARE a fascist! A fascist theocrat with a God complex. Nutsworld. This cancel culture is the death of freedom and if you take one thing away from this I want it to be this: On a long enough timeline, what you're doing is going to necessitate violence. You might not even live to see it. But it'll be whoever you indoctrinated to believe what you believe before you die (probably you kids) and the are going to be slaughtered and they are going to deserve it. And I'm going to laugh. It's going to be hilarious to me! Because I will have been right... Again! And being right is my favorite! Ahahahahahahahaha! Even if I'm dead. You'll KNOW that I WOULD HAVE laughed. And that's just as good. It makes my laughter eternal. HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!"
by Hym Iam April 12, 2023
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