A girl who's gotten a lot more abuse than she ever deserved thanks to all you internet haters. She currently has 2 kids and has been divorced twice. She has 6 albums- Baby One More Time, Oops! I Did It Again, Britney, In The Zone, Blackout, Circus and just released her new single 3. Although her actual talent level is questionable she is no doubt a star. She is currently making a comeback and is on her way back up to the top.
You go girl!!!!!
"Leave.... Britney.... ALONE!!!! You're lucky she even performs for you bastards!!!" -Chris Crocker telling the world to leave Britney Spears alone.
by that's good October 22, 2009
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is an awesowe singer, and everyone loves her :)
I saw Britney Spears live last night, and she was awesome!
by froggygurllol August 11, 2009
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A singer crying for help..."lucky"
"Stuck in an image, in a dream, and there's no one there to wake her"...someone wake britney spears up!!
by StacyAndTanyaAreRad February 27, 2008
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Talentless. But for some reason her music sells. It's extremely catchy pop and screw it, I freakin like her music. Plus she's very pretty.
If U Seek Amy - Britney Spears
by MissDresden . July 19, 2009
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Britney Spears is a beautiful woman but has a slutty voice. She is talented but is talented as a dirtbag, whore,slut, and she's not any of those but all you people say it so I don't know what you're problem IS!
Annie: Britney Spears is a slut!
Me or Ashley: What is wrong with you people! You are obeying Satan, and if you are a so-called Christian, you actually are a ATEHIEST! And not obeying God!
by Ashanta'e December 3, 2005
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She "CHOSE" to be gay with Madonna and Christina in a three-way tongue lock!

That's how gayness happens!

People "choose" it.
Fag Off and Die pyscho liberals!!!!
by abort liberals May 9, 2005
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