An african american man running for president of the USA. He is runnin in the democratic seat against other democrats such as hillary clinton and john edwards.
If Barack Obama wins he will be the first black US president!
by Neo D. January 5, 2008
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A word, which can be a noun or a verb, to mean change, or improvement. To make something better. Or to be a change, or an improvement.

verb: to fix, to change, to improve
noun: change, fix, improvement
to fix: The plumber tried to obama the toilet.
to change: When passing another car, you should use your blinker before you obama lanes.
to improve: If you have poor vision, wearing glasses will obama your eyesight.

fix: A drug addict can't wait until his/her next obama.
change: Do you have obama for this $100 bill?
improvement: What was that sitcom in the '90s with Tim Allen? He played the host of a show called Tool Time with Al, who always said, "I don't think so Tim." Oh yeah, was it called Home Obama?
by makinish January 25, 2009
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Obama is our only hope and can make a difference in our everyday lives.
by krazyhommie February 22, 2008
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A unit for measuring awesome.
I just decreased my carbon footprint! My awesome level just went up a few obamas.
by Becks Grevau January 6, 2008
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The act of doubling down on a lie when clearly caught in a lie.
1. When I saw my new boyfriend sitting in the bar, holding hands with an Asian hottie, he told me it was his long-lost sister. I reminded him that he had claimed to be an only child. That's when he totally tried to Obama. He said he often blocked out memories, due to having been traumatized as a child. He said he was traumatized when his mom forgot to put syrup on his pancakes. Then I asked how it was that he was white and his 'sister' was Asian. He again Obamaed, saying that his dad had been a research scientist, and he and his 'sister' were the result of a genetics experiment gone wrong.

2. When the state trooper caught me driving in the HOV lane with an inflatable doll by my side, I tried to Obama him. I told him that I was supposed to be taking my girlfriend to work. I said she must have snuck the doll into my car, while she slipped out and stayed home, as a joke. He wrote me a ticket anyway.
by Hal, Luce, and Nate November 6, 2013
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obama was presdent
by JewishPhones November 13, 2020
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The biggest mistake you'll ever make.
My staying on at my current job, was an OBAMA!
by Redsonjaoriginal October 14, 2014
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