a literal L, you cannot get worse than this repulsive little prick (little because his knob does not exceed the length of 3 inches)
by kdog4lyfe April 13, 2022
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No one knows how to spell correctly there! Their student section is trash same with their football team
Oh you go to Morris Knolls High School ,you must be a p****y
by September 14, 2022
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Unit of measurement of mass, power, amount of food, size, weight.
A mythological creature beyond human comprehension.
Hi I'll have one George Morris please.

Tony consumed a metric George Morris of cans at the weekend.

Police have seized a George Morris of cocaine off the coast of England.

He's a George Morris
by thundercunt101 June 1, 2023
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Cutest giraffe in the world and also the mouth of the south.
She’s an Abigail Morris.
by tallerthanmariana June 19, 2024
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a person also known as a sissy boy who needs to not be a pussy and play darksouls 3.
person 1: yo dude, wanna play some darksouls 3 today?
person 2: nahh man, i'm feeling like a Morris.
by not-so-based-person September 27, 2021
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A being of pure power. Riches rain down from the heavens upon these creatures of majesty. The ruler above all.
"Bow down to the Morrises."
by spiderman_man October 19, 2020
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