Similar to the Messy Dinner, however, this lacks the peeing on the face after the shitty face-wash. IE: Just a face wash with shit on your hands, violently so. Also, see Messy Breakfast/Messy Dinner/Messy Brunch.
Dag, that d00d just got a messy lunch from his gay lover.
by Kaeleker February 14, 2023
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A messy chestnut refers to the act of a man pulling his erect penis out of a woman's vagina and ejaculating on the general chest area of the female. The man then sucks and inhales the semen into his own mouth until he collects it all. The woman opens her mouth and allows the man to spit the semen into her mouth and then let's it drip off of her chin and run back down her chest area.
I gave her a messy chestnut
by Daddy Johnson January 28, 2016
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Messy room is a meaning for someone who has thicc thighs and definitely not fat ones
Femboys with a messy room have the best thicc thighs
by Bezo7248 February 26, 2023
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1. Being able to find anything whenever you need it even though your room or house is a total wreck.

2. Your room has been messy long enough that you remember where you throw all of your junk and can find it without having to clean your room.
Damn! My room is such a wreck so long that I've gotten used to messy organization!
by gm12 September 22, 2013
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Similiar to the Messy Dinner and Messy Lunch. This however, lacks the two primary components of the dinner/lunch. Instead of smearing shit and/or peeing, you smear smegma on the person's face. IE: Dick Cheese
Those two homos just gave each other a messy breakfast. See Messy Dinner, Messy Lunch, Messy Brunch.
by Kaeleker February 14, 2023
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wen you are so excited that right wen she starts to give you a bj you jizz.
Sally is so hot that right when she started to blow me, i had a messy cock touch.
by African FUCK December 29, 2011
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Similar to metal dan the messy tacito is a sex act

(that usually ends fatally due to infection or blood loss)

forcefully used by older people on male children, the messy tacito starts off by holding a child down to a flat surface on their back and the the leader of the sex act takes a pair of scissors and cuts off a small portion of the tip of the child's penis, the leader then starts to suck on the penis and hold the blood in the mouth before they turn the child around and spit it into the anus, they then keep their mouth on the anus waiting for the blood to be excreted back into their mouths and then spit it out into the child's mouth and makes them swallow. The act is repeated until the leader gets tired of it or the child dies
"That Jennifer lady is such a bitch, I hope someone does the messy tacito on their brat of a child"
by Retardedpineapple November 21, 2018
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