a basic white girl, aka, bitch who wears the same clothes every day.
That girl is such a Lucy.
by trashcan25 May 27, 2017
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Lucy is most likely to have a sheep like personality and bounces around where ever she goes. She looks like a retard and can be very creepy when around people she likes.
Ugh,later girl is such a Lucy
by Normandy_2007. June 24, 2019
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A dumb bitch that likes to steal your food and ur weed
damn, dude did you see the way she just finessed my weed? She must be a Lucy.
by timR264829 May 22, 2019
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Only likes black guys and gets mad when they expect sex (even though no one likes her for her looks just for her ass and tits)
by 69420•()• February 11, 2019
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Lucy is someone who you will meet and immediately become friends with them. You will beleve they are so kind and them they will turn on you. They will start ignoring you and then you won't talk for ages. Because she was you beat friend. You will feel so alone and you will feel like your not worthy of having friends. Then when everything starts getting better you friends are there for you. They don't like what lucy has become and will turn against her....

But overall she is intelegent, kind, sweet and a good friend (if she stays a friend)
Teacher: One student in the class got an A on their science test.

All students (in their heads): That would be lucy. It is always lucy
by Hypergirllll6483 December 21, 2018
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A tall skinny girl who has bad acne who goes after guys who are usually out of her league. She is intelligent but can be very aggressive towards her close friends. The name Lucy is mainly used in countries such as Scotland and in the UK. Lucy is a skinny ass bitch who has frizzy ass hair. She is laughing at this right now because of the similarities between her and this definition.
Girl 1: hey Lucy I got u this present

Girl 2: it’s so nice I wish I had it
Lucy: thank you but I will not be using it eww
Girl 1: whatever that present won’t make her look any better
by Thatcoolassbitch January 10, 2018
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A slang term generally used to describe LSD or Acid.
"Last night I was hanging out with Lucy for hours!"

"I hope Lucy comes by tonight!"
by DanIsDirty December 17, 2012
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