A crusty-lipped orange orangutan who somehow got into the White House. He is now causing a World War 3, because his CULTY supporters obey him at all costs. He has since needed restrictions on his phone since he can’t act of age. But why would anybody expect anything different, WE LET AN ANIMAL INTI THE WHITE HOUSE...
What is orange, has the mind of an 8 year old, and looks like a 90 year old??

by Coolasice😎 January 13, 2021
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The 45th President of the US. A multimillionare who is racist and looks like different animals.
Yo, Donald Trump won the presidential election yesterday
by anonymos 685 January 18, 2017
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We’re gonna build a wall « Donald Trump »
by .´. June 10, 2019
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A racist bitch that want to build a wall and thinks mexicans are rapists and and murderers and brings drugs if only he saw the poor kids in prison. In other words he is a pendejo cabron idota hijo de su puta madre culero mamon
Some dumbass: Hey have you hear of the best president Donald Trump

Me: grabs a gun

by Elcabron128 January 5, 2021
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Donald Trump is an racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, orange bitch who only cares about himself, and wants to take away people’s rights
Someone: *says something homophobic, sexist or transphobic

Someone else: you’re acting lie Donald Trump
by Hdnendhdnxjdndnnx November 15, 2020
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Donald Trump is a twat and Biden is better.
by Mineluke January 11, 2021
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little orange ass bitch. loves golf. hates biden, blacks, mexicans, & LGBTQ+, but you could definitely catch him at a 20 man orgy. he supports rape and sexual abuse, and doesn't believe climate change. little crybaby bitch keeps asking for recounts, he knows it aint gonna change but he just cant handle losing. he scrapes the fucking toppings off his fucking pizza. he eats PIZZA S K I N.

and yet somehow people still don't regret voting for him. daddy biden does NOT approve.
bitch i hate Donald Trump so fucking much im so glad biden is going to win omfg i can not handle living with this orange bitch in charge of my country for 4 more years omfg
by idefineemoticons December 3, 2020
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