A person who sells his or her higher honour for personal gain. The term often refers to sexual honour, but may not necessarily be exclusive to it.
A lot of politicians are whores.

Is a woman who kills for an Armani a whore?

She sounds like a real whore to me.

This bar attracts a lot of whores.

by J. Curtin July 2, 2007
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Oh, yeah. I know her.She's a WHORE! Fucl ytuyjnbdsbsadf
by monkey bomb September 14, 2004
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“You know Willie is gay, right?” Sebastian checks for a nod from Emir. “And Mason is—“

“A whore?” teases Emir.

“We like to use the term ‘experimenting’, dude.”

Emir’s eyes roll dramatically.
by Baz Grim August 3, 2020
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1) A person who use same tricks alot like awping or autosnipeing to rack up alot of kills in game.

2) A person who brag about how good they are to get others attention.

3) A person who do not like to share with other.
Steve: Bob stop whoring all the coins.
Bob: I did most of Killing and you just running around so I shoud get most of coins.
Steve: Bitch you baited me and now you want all the credit?
by BooGotShot January 25, 2008
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The act of having had thousands of freinds added to you on myspace by another person on myspace. Myspace kings and queens will post bulletins that say add this person and i will comment your pics. The king or queens thousand of friends add the person and that person has now officially been whored.
" dude i got Trisch Vicous to whore me and now i have 5k freinds on my myspace, ive now officially been whored"
by ziiit skiit August 3, 2007
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A dental hygeinist
All dental hygeinists are whores...it's a known fact.
by JoCourtney July 11, 2008
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