When someone does something to you and you, out of spite do the same thing back to get back at them.
You drank too much bear just because he did. That's petty.
by Defpip1234 June 29, 2018
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When a person belittles another person, typically by throwing shade, or rubbing something in one’s face. That person is then being petty.
-Oh ok this is a really nice house. All five of your kids have their own room... okay, okay, okay. And how much is rent? Only $150 a month? Oh yeah you’re the definition of independent.

-Bruh why is you being petty?
by Bigg_Redd July 29, 2018
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Basically someone who uses it to justify what they’ve done without the consequences of the other person usually victim. When the victim does something similar back the person who done you wrong doesn’t like their own medicine so they call the victim petty. That’s what it really means. Petty is not necessarily always bad.
If Person #1 asked person #2 to borrow their pen just to sign in and person #2 asks person #1 where is your pen. Then person number #1 says they left it in the car. Person #2 says you might want to get it it’s apart of your uniform. Next time person #2 ask person #1 for something, person #1 does person #2 the same way. Person #2 will call person #1 petty totally disregarding the fact that they act funny with their pen.
by Gridlock February 1, 2020
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people who make a big deal of little or childish things.
somebody random: Charles is being so petty. He’s making the biggest deal over a pen.
somebody else: I agree. And his name is Charles what do you expect?
by hopesexual December 20, 2021
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Stephen Machir
Stephen was being petty over $100 and he about got his ass ran over.
by 1234ff157 September 23, 2020
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