A game that Tripp is trash at. The meme BlueFurby/BlueFurry and "trash monkey" was also created here.
"Grant, get off of curve fever!"
by im+snot+here+off-10 March 13, 2017
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To reject someone romantically (related to "ghosting")
by DDonthat January 20, 2023
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To $#%^ on a woman poetically. In a gitchy manner which drives her insane causing her to come back for more each time. This was once called the zinger. You ignore her. Shut her down. Leaving her wanting more. Because she wants. What she can't have.

1) To curve is to be authoritative and dominant. You control the situation and let her know you're the man. That's what she wants. Someone to take control of her. And the situation.

You're just gonna shut her down with some friendly banter.

2) You can flat out reject her. It'll drive her crazy. Because her ego is too great. She must try again.

3) You control curve the attention in your favor. She wants her cake and to eat it too. She wants attention but too much attention is a bad thing. You seem desperate. You need to be unobtainable. Because then she'll want you. Let her think you have options whether you do or not. Give her attention. And then take years to respond. Because her mind will race at the possibilities of what your lack of response might be:

"Does he like me?"

"What's he doing?"

Every time you come back showing love you're like the drug she needs. You make her feel good. This is all part of the chase.

She wants attention. You must disappoint her. Bc then she will want more. Take years to respond as she twirls her hair going "where is this guy?" As she becomes more and more frustrated all the time. Curve her. Make her wait. It'll drive her mad. And drive her closer to you.

Woman: stay awhile 🖤

Man: see ya later alligator 🐊

Option 2:

Shorty: yada... yada.. sex with my tennis coach

Coach: I'm already giving someone tennis lessons. 🤷🏻 ♂️

#curve #yousee

Option 3:

Woman approaches man who has not responded to the last five texts.

Woman: You curving me? skittish

Man: No. I'm just in control of the situation.

Woman: That's hot.

Man: kiss

Option 4:

We're not posting this.

Are you against males or big dicks?
by onebigdickbandit July 15, 2020
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Describes the most efficient path of trajectory for an
object with an even ballistic coefficient drag force
travelling in a parabolic arch.

This object however must be travelling at any fraction
of gravity's constant speed (9.8 metres per second per second).
'Kim Jong Un's intercontinental ballistic missiles have an uneven
ballistic coefficient, so this must be compensated with the

brachistrochrone curve for best results.'
by Johann Bernoulli May 6, 2018
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it’s a day celebrating about how you get curved a lot by either a guy or girl you tried shooting your shot at
me: hey guys its curve me thursday!
friends: omg who’d you get curved by?
me: i got curved by fox
friends: omg i know how you feel i get curved all the time
by mowi wowi February 4, 2018
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Oh my god I started seeing this new guy and he had the Carlos curve.
by Baconman6 November 24, 2022
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The linear representation of the complex relationship between age, alcohol consumption and sexual prowess, or simply known as “ the robinson curve”. This impressive discovery is very accurate at representing the improvements in both stamina and confidence associated with small amounts of alcohol consumption, and the subsequent increase of confidence as well as the somewhat rapid decline in performance that occurs with excess consumption.
Oh mate, he's totally in the robinson curve right now.
by djambi699 August 8, 2022
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