2 china men tumble into your asshole and you rate up as many fingers as you see fit
Nicholia: "I was caught olympic diving and she raised 8.5"

Scottie: "I just upgraded my base..."
by FromDust April 15, 2023
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The act of throwing your open testicles at you friends faces in a tournament league
Guys, I’m bored. Let’s go to the ball tag olympics!
by Bigdaddywithaflopper July 30, 2021
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When you're at the circle jerk and everyone changes from the right hand to the left (or vice versa)
A Paul Bunyan sat down next to me but thankfully there was a Passing the Olympic Torch
by Paulbunioned June 3, 2023
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People that are clearly on a good one, possibly haven't slept in a long while. They look as if they are doing the back stroke, while walking/speed walking, no water involved. They have a serious look on their face, they seem to be determined to get wherever they are going and nothing can do them, until that moment that comes out of no where, when all that arm flailing of the back stroke, takes on a life all it's own, and they abruptly stop walking and break it into a sort of freestyle Noodle Grove. (They are as caught off guard as the onlooker. )
All though it is not yet an official Olympic sport, it has not deterred this small group of people nation wide, from training. As soon as a proper scoring system has been decided upon, for example; degree of difficulty, transition from Street Swimming into the free style Noodle Grooving, over all execution, we will have to wait for it to be brought to the world at large. Right now there are too many variables to be judged and scored accurately.
I was driving down the main street on my way to the store, when my kids spotted an Olympic Street Swimmer, when we at the stop light. My oldest said, "wow that guy looks like a cat with tape on it's feet!", Her sister said," NO! That's an Olympic Street Swimmer! Wait for it ...." We couldn't look away. Then all of a sudden, he stopped and did a rendition of a break dance move none of us had seen before, and he looked like he was trying to chew on his shoulder. The girls grabbed some paper and a sharpie and both held up their score cards. One gave an 8.3 and the other an 8.5. they applauded and the light turned green, we talked about this all the way through the store and all the way back home we looked for others in training.
by mrs.goodman April 27, 2022
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Mexican Olympics-
If someone ever tells you that "you pulled off the Mexican Olympics";
Its another way of saying that you beat the Devil at his own game.

The Mexican Olympics is the most extreme sport of survival there is, it puts the gameshow "Survivor" to shame.

Starting out inside Mexico, the Mexican Olympics begin as soon as you cross the border into United States of America by any means necessary.

Crossing the border is not the hard part, it's staying inside America by avoiding detection is the hard part.

Strategies include gambling, obtaining fake ID's, and moving to a different address and possibly a different state every year to avoid getting shot or detected by I.C.E. and/or Border Patrol.

To win the Gold in the Mexican Olympics, please enlist in the military with a pseudo identification, fake identification or someone else's identification.

By serving in the military it is a great way to earn American citizenship,if caught, stay silent.

If you are suspected as a spy, it's not the end of the world, you can become "doubled" or a double agent. Always claim you are a persecuted minority in your home country.

Being classified as "White" sure does help alot in avoid detection and deportation. If so always claim as an "Albino" or "Al-Beano"if you speak any foreign language other than English.
Person 1-"You pulled off the Mexican Olympics!"

Person 2-"You been in this country for so long that we don't have any identification of you."

Person 3-" The guy even has the Medal Of Honor by giving enough information to kill Osama Bin Laden during his brief military service."

Person 4- "We know you are not speaking Spanish when you speak but it sure helps you being around Spanish Speakers and act like you having a conversation together, good job on learning English fast."

Person 5-"You actually deserve to be an American Citizen."
by bbobcali661 June 7, 2023
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Five individuals hanging themselves simultaneously resembling the Olympic rings
Come to the party man, we're one short for the Olympic Noose
by Far din November 12, 2022
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