The name says everything you need to know about them, they are games. Anybody that tries to tell you the athletes aren't there to play because they are the most skilled athletes in the world at their event doesn't know what they are talking about. No matter how competitive a game can get, no matter what is on the line, and no matter what record is broken, it is always going to be just a game, and nothing more. Good Will Hunting explained it, some people can just play at an instrument, Will could just play at equations, and athletes can just play at their sport. Of course it will require time, effort, training, and practice to play well, the same kind of dedication peole put toward their jobs, but it really is still just playing at the end of the day. Most people in the world don't clock in for a work day at a gym because it's not a work place, it's somewhere people go to practice or train at their talent, not their work.
Talent and work are not the same thing, which is why most people go to work, then they play on their time off if they do at all (sports, other things if they have a talent at anything). The Olympic Games are not leisure in the sense that most people have of leisure, they are not the same thing as vacation, they require more time, energy, effort, and dedication than vacation or leisure, but they are still games, and as long as they are games, the athletes in them are playing. Any time somebody starts calling anything called games or sports something else, or says that athletes or players are not playing, they are doing something else, is missing the point and calling things something other than what they are.
by The Original Agahnim July 26, 2021
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The Olympic games, of all things, are not something to panic over. They're just games, win or lose. Holding nothing sacred but winning is not the point, and you wouldn't panic unless you're someone that holds nothing sacred, because then you'd feel like you had to win.
The uber competitive girl always put the same unrealistic pressure on everybody else that she tried to make it look like people were putting on her, when in reality she had always just been uber competitive about everything, and wanted to turn other people into her. Not everybody thought the Olympic games was a make or break event the way she did.
by The Original Agahnim July 27, 2021
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This place is so boring. A few fights break out every month. 8th grade lunch is practically breakfast. In 6th grade they barely give you anything. Then, in 7th it hits you like a truck. 7th graders are basically starving by lunch, Math isn't so bad. Some kids at the school just don't know when to stop because there are to consequences for bad behavior. Many of the kids make disgusting jokes. There is bird poop or gum everywhere in the courtyard. The locks for P.E & Band are terrible, they unlock with a little tug. They don't have CHOCOLATE MILK AT LUNCH! The lockers are absolutely useless. Who is going to walk back to building A just to get their stuff? but, the band 7th and 8th grade teacher is absolutely amazing.

If you work at OVMS this is a suggestion; if you can, make something where the student will feel the need to think " I probably shouldn't do this because...". As a student at OVMS I know how well this referral system is working, and I'm sorry, but it's not.
No I don't want to go to Olympic View Middle School
by Mr AD37 November 9, 2023
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A bedtime, gladiator level competition between two sides of the brain: One side that wants to sleep and the other that is high as a motherfucker.
John: Dude, could you sleep after eating that 50mg cookie last night?
Drew: No way man. I was in the Mental Olympics for like two hours.
by Webster 2021 April 15, 2021
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What you do during "Netflix and Chill." Having sex on your couch, because you're too lazy to go to the bedroom.
Example: "Who needs to go to the gym to workout? I train by doing couch olympics every night."
by ratchattack November 4, 2015
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City's that hosted the Olympics and it crushed their economy
Sarajevo is such an Olympic City
by FancyBro February 13, 2018
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When a man and a man are nude and they run at each other, and whoever gets hit with the other man's penis first gets buttfucked
Trevin and i are going to practice our Olympic jousting later
by TaterThot23 September 14, 2022
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