Basketball team in Nucla CO that is gonna whoop Ourays ass tomorrow 💪
by IRON_ HIDE77 February 6, 2018
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He Is A Bitch and dumb looking ass with his black ass's with his step-sister I like hentai when he having sex addicted and he is a gay when he sees a girl
He is Mustafa Mustang
He is a bitch
He is very black with his step-sister
He like kissing with gay people
My dude does self sex some time with no one
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Anybody who drives a Ford Mustang, especially one who shows it off.
Oh look, here comes Johnny Mustang up on the left.
by jay gee November 28, 2020
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Receiving a god tier blowjob to a glorious climax while going 40 over the legal speed limit in a Mustang. The bucking comes in when your leg twitches from great pleasure causing you to slam a pedal down and either break drastically or accelerate to Ricky Bobby levels of speed
Person A: Tammy and I are going to try The Bucking Mustang tonight.
Person B: My cousin tried that once he slammed the brake and flew out the window.
Person A: it's a risk I'm willing to take.
by Mr.Diddler March 6, 2019
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A Moodie Mustang is someone who works for the meth lab in D.A. Moodie
Last night I had a close run in with the Moodie mustangs.
by vlootboot February 12, 2018
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The best "mom" in the world. One of a kind friend and best drug dealer to grace the face of this Earth.
That other kid would be a lot better off if they taught his mother to be a Mustang Sally.
by MrsHarryDick March 24, 2023
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