a person who experiences attraction to multiple genders. this includes bi, pan, omni, poly, and many more identities.

multi- is the prefix used, it can be multisexual, multiromantic, or whatever other form of attraction one feels towards multiple genders.
everyone on the multi- spectrum is very valid! i'm bi so me too lol :
by eboybur June 11, 2022
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A person who’s very obsessed with Germany, and also no life’s one game and never comes back to it after he/she is done.
Person 1:imagine being a multi. Person 2: I know right?
by Davinator7788 August 3, 2020
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An emotion that is made up of many subtle and intricate feelings or nuances, difficult to express or articulate because of its complexity.
The intensity of the situation provided him with a multi-nuanced disposition.
by (J) March 26, 2023
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Friends hanging out while going grocery shopping, going to the gym, getting their hair cut...etc. Productive socialization so both parties can do their errands together.
Friend: I miss you! Let's hang out tonight?
Friend 2: I can't, I have so many errands tonight unless you want to multi-hang and meet me at the grocery store?
Friend: I need groceries too let's meet at Walmart and shop together!
by Glitterandgrit September 19, 2018
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Having sex whilst laying on multiple biscuits such as hobnobs
Jordan "Yo, did you hear what happened about shonk?"
Will "No what happened?"
Jordan "Last night him and his girl multi-biscuited"
by MeisterBob November 11, 2015
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Its a mental disorder that effects the way youself and or other people. You may have this, if tou struggle with change in personality every few weeks,Little to no sleep or activity,Being on a electronic more than usual,Feeling disconnected, Feeling more or less yourself,Trying to cope using unhealthy ways.
by MentalHealthDepartment November 12, 2022
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