When you are trying to put your untied shoes on without using your hands and you tap your feet around on the floor and crush the heel of the shoe while trying to force your foot in. A comical sight.
shoes squeaking on floor and loud taps
Oh its just Andrew doing the retard dance
by toetapper August 14, 2021
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That kind of dance where you aren't really ~dancing~ you're more of just jumping in place. This is commonly done in clubs as well as other kinds of parties.
person a: dude look that chick is dancing like crazy!
person b: nah, she's just jump dancing
person a: oh that makes more sense
by MangoHtebazile October 7, 2021
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Scrotum Dance is when you squat so slightly while naked untill you have a bonner without toching your penis. After that keep squatting utill your cock keeps tapping your ball sack and turns you on. (Getting other people to flop around you cock for you works too!) Some say it helps sooth the mind of all IRL thoughts, and replaces them with sexual thoughts.
by JackkyJK69 October 17, 2013
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A dance for people who are too retarded for dancing and they must use a fisting movement as a dance....this is because they are probably a fat or too lazy person to even try to do anything else
Guy:is that fat lazy dude fisting the air...what is he retarded?

Guy2:nope he's doing the whip dance
by Thebobmarleyking January 4, 2017
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Its this really crazy that came into spotlight in 2017. Well, it originated from Ghana and it involves comically banging inanimate objects, with clothes on of course! Its really raunchy and sexually suggestive. Its very popular in West Africa.
That Dog is scratching its legs like its doing the One Corner dance.
by Dat9jaBabe October 25, 2017
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A type of Tiktok Slang That Refers to call what They Hate An Npc
Example The creator Hates cows They will say Dance if You're an Npc Then after that They will put Mtfs that likes cows
by RealNoReal June 7, 2023
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The act of dancing in the rain naked. It’s like skinny dipping in land.
“Saw them baddies out there in the storm my shrigga, they was doin the Norwegian rain dance!”
by The ass blaster99 August 2, 2021
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