Pants -

Definition 1- American word for trousers or any item of clothing worn on the legs.
Definition 2- British word for all types of underwear.
Definition 3- British slang for rubbish/trash in a ‘oh that’s annoying (pants) sense. This phrase is usually used by English children’s mothers which can usually get on their nerves.
For example -
“He was wearing very brightly coloured pants which stood out from everyone else”.
Her skirt was so short, everyone could see her stripy pants!”.

“Oh it’s a shame the school has closed for today! They blamed it on lack of food, that’s so pants”.
by BruvWatUSayin’? September 30, 2019
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weird pieces of cloth you wear over your legs to restrain your manhood.
Greg doesn't like his manhood so he wears super skinny Pants
by ButterPasser420 June 11, 2014
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"The pants of the relationship" meaning the dominant figure or the top
she's the pants of their relationship...?
by tinycactass November 27, 2016
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to p.; the act of pulling down another person's pants, us. sweatpants, in a public arena, for the purpose of public humiliation; pants, pantsed, pantsing
Liztiz pantsed Elyse in the common room during the Sox game, and she was mortified.
by Liztiz October 29, 2004
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1. Slang: One who is obnoxious or irritating

2. Slang: Replacement to the word Dick, in all contexts.
Yo , you're a fuckin' pants


That guy is a pants face
by Jelloflava February 16, 2006
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a article of clothing to cover up yourself so you dont get arrested for being naked.
im going to put a pair of pants on.
by November 7, 2019
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