fachi is the italian word for face. and the action of putting something ‘to the face’ means to take a big fucking shot of booze.
Dude 1: “Yo, you really gonna take that shot of absinthe?!”

Dude 2: “Straight to the fachi!”

commence the shot.
by scrotumsoldier September 6, 2023
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seeming as there is a month for gay people we might as well notice straight people. hey did u know 67.8% of people that are straight commit suicide because they feel left out, so this is a day to purely not single them out.
kid1. hey, do u know it's the annual straight day - 1st feburary
kid2. omg i didnt know
by SW4GMASTER January 17, 2021
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To purse an idea, goal, or dream even if the odds are against you. Having no doubts and worries of the outcome. Being confident enough to take action towards one's desires. Can be written as st8 rips for short hand.
"I took a straight rip when I moved out here, I have no regrets it's been awesome ever since."

"Jeff did so many straight rips on his work, now it's being recognized in Times magazine"

"I kept fumbling on getting my business started, but all that really matters is that I tried and I would have never known the outcome if I didn't do straight rips."
by Poggz September 24, 2022
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To pursue an idea, goal, or a dream of yours even if the odds are against you. Pushing through any doubts, concerns, and worries. Taking no bullshit from yourself and from others. Can be written as str8 rips to.

The first straight rip will always the be hardest to do, but eventually the hits get cleaner and you enter a zone state.

Related terms: based, yolo, rip
"The probability of me getting this job is little to none, but I'm going to do a straight rip and apply anyways"

"I have an idea to open up a cafe no idea of where to start. Just gonna start straight RIPs for it."

"Have you seen Dan lately? Last I heard he was str8 ripping on a business he was building"
by Poggz September 17, 2022
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a nice but mean bitch <3 who is also gay
“Hey adrian!”
“Just to let you know adrian is a straight whore”
“Oh, so he’s gay?”
by kayleess April 14, 2020
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a group full of eight people
that are definitely ANYTHING but straight
lmao look at them
they are so gay
no. they are straight kids..
by nicolicek January 8, 2022
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