Slipknot suck soooo bad!!! All since this goth thing started every1 luv em. they just wear ghey masks and scream. they CANNOT sing. they just scream and moan and add in a drum beat, they just give me a headache.
gay=slipknot e.g hey fred u r soo slipknot!
by anguesyounglover February 26, 2006
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ok listen mother fuckers if you dont like slipknot that's cool but keep your goddamn mouth shut no one wants you to hear you bag on them so go and listen to your britney spears tapes if you dont understand
Goth Kid: dude you need harder and better music these guys suck you little pussy
Maggot (Slipknot fan): listen i would rather be a pussy then a faggy little goth kid who keeps saying "my life sucks i wanna die cuz one bad thing happened in my life oh and i hate god!" faggot piece of shit on the ground
by whothennow May 25, 2004
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Slipknot, a side project with an ugly ginger prick who tries to sing. They are gona break up in like 2 years, HOORAY!
Hooray! No more slioknot!
Awww, mini mosher shit head, dont cry!
by Ben August 4, 2003
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Slipknot. One of the best bands on earth. No, you stupid faggots, they are not Black Metal, Death Metal, Nu-Metal, or any metal in general. They are RapCore(Rap and Hardcore). They are fucking HARD! Listen to Only One, and realize that they will kick...your......ASS! I don't know why people hate on them, they are a great band. Also, listen to Eyeless by them. MAGGOT FOR LIFE! STAY (SiC) MAGGOTS!


Me: Hell yea!! I can't wait!
by (SiC)Maggot212 March 24, 2007
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An expendable soldier
Guy: man that character was a slipknot
Friend: ya he was pretty much just used to kill off
by Ham2099 August 5, 2016
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Slipknot is either loved or hated by the people. Its like marmite, you either love it or you hate it. I personally think that Slipknot are a great band and extremely talented, if you think otherwise, thats your opinion, not mine.
A fan of Slipknot is generally called a maggot
me: "Hey guys, do you like Slipknot?"
Guy 1: "Fuck yeah!!!"
Guy 2: "Fuck no!!!"
by Dom is a twat November 18, 2018
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To tragically change one's style, normally involving adding or removing instruments, styles of play, and content of lyrics. A good example is: "Hey guys! Lets sing some gay songs with acoustic guitars for our new album! And lets not swear anymore, swearing is BAD!" Other bands can do it too. For Example: "Hey Lars! For our next album, lets shit up your snare drum and write some crap lyrics while we thrash our guitars randomly!"
Yeah, Slipknot singing songs like the Beatles would if they were gay is kinda as bad as Metallica thrashing out ass music to a seriously screwed up drum kit.
by QuickStartGuide June 7, 2004
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