Sir Savage the 21st . A true british lad who enjoys his crumpets with a cup of lean tea. One of grime's finest. Many say he's from the US, but that chap is British. He's working on a new album titled "Issa Visa" featuring the Queen. An absolute madlad.
21 Savage: Oi guv'nor u finaully found out me secret eh ?
by MusicIsCoolIGuess February 5, 2019
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A person who is characterized by brutal, uncivilized behaviour, irrespective of religious affiliation. One who is truly beyond redemption.
Jeremy: Did you hear about Tyler? He beat up a woman again last night.
Morgan: Shit. What a godless savage.
by flying wagman September 4, 2009
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An Urban Savage is an urban supporter of an extreme conservative ideology, which is founded on social exclusivity. Urban Savages are typically products of liberal education, and they will have used public programs/sectors and cosmopolitan support system all through their lives. During their middle-age or later years, they suffer a kind of atavism and get parochial in their beliefs; they lose the ability to think critically and believe their roots (majoritarianism) are superior to anybody different. They are usually less read, less travelled from their home bases and suffer from various forms of xenophobia.

With the rise in ultra-nationalism across the world, Urban Savages are growing exponentially by the day.
Jay grew up in a pluralistic society and is a city-bred; he worked all through in public sector enterprises. When in adversity, he used social programs of the state. Today after his retirement he has become an urban savage; he decries social programs and questions anybody that looks different and has a different belief/faith.
by swoboda September 26, 2023
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The leader of cuh nation (colored united homos). A group of arabic liberal democrat jews that promote bussy, sus and pant sagging. The leader can be found with diaper or bussy avatars along with its members. Stay clear if you respect your anus and reputation.
Infinity savage that cuh nation pres sucked me off for a phone card cuh
by Oscarthearab April 19, 2020
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Bankroll Savage
Is when you have a uncontrollable{ hustle stacking money and getting to the bag by any means necessary.
You Can’t tell me nothing type of Hustler.
Ruffiano: I’m out here Grinding from 7:00
A.M to 7:00 A.M, Ruffiano: I’m out here
Big-Rake: damn homey no sleep?

Ruffiano: Naw bruh I’mma straight Bankroll Savage.
by MillYentei DYSlick January 4, 2021
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One who consumes numerous alcoholic beverages. Becoming infuriated and belligerent for no apparent or rational reason. Letting out Indian battle cry's and yelps like a hillbilly. Eventually vandalizing property unless restrained or arrested.
Man 1 : Damn, were you at that kickback last night?

Man 2: Nah, what happened?

Man 1: Terry went all Nigger Savage, Yelled at the top of his lungs and thew his empty liquor bottle through my window.

Man 2: Too, bad I missed it.
by Deadkennedy November 21, 2011
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Some one extreamly good at roasting, any time you roast him/her they will top your roast with another and won't quit roasting . Don't mess with savage cabbage.
Don't mess with that savage cabbage he takes every thing personal.
by Dj767 May 12, 2016
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