when crossing a freeway you jump nonchalantly on
a yellow line, trying to figure out how come you ended with two different shoes on your feet, and your socks are not matching. The yellow line becomes the multi-bizarro zone,
where strange things (and curses, happen.
Lucy could not find her car after a party, so she started walking on a fast lane, carefully stepping only on a yellow line.
She could not understand why the cars flying nearby on both her sides were lowering their windows, and the drivers cursing loudly.
In fact she chose the multi-bizarro zonevery carefully,
hoping to get home safely and faster.
by shingon2006 October 13, 2012
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When you are trying to masturbate and your girlfriend, mom, sister, Aunt, etc. walks past and you have to quickly change the website.
Guy 1: Did you see the porn website I emailed you?

Guy2: No, I couldn't, my mom was home and I had to multi-wank, but I did it when she fell asleep.
by Tylah808 March 8, 2011
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when you're in multiple fandoms or "sub twitters" you are multi twt/multi twitter
"which fandoms are you a part of on twitter?"
"I'm multi twt"
by crabradiance June 22, 2022
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a shirt that can be a skirt. or a skirt that can be a dress. clothes that can be other kinds of clothes
Bobella: "cindyloo thats a skirt"

Cindyloo: "no it's a dress. stop hating on my multi-clothing"
by TaylorMcdreamy April 26, 2011
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This is a word originated by the great developer shukatsu. He couldnt find a word to describe a developer that do multiple things in a engine games category for example (Can animate and script) so he came up with the word MultiStack Dev/ Multi-Stack Developer
Oh thats shukatsu the Multi-Stack Dev/Multi-Stack Developer I heard he exceeds in many skills in the engine he works in
by yagilol July 25, 2023
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Doing multiple non-productive things at once. E.G. Playing Words with Friends, shopping on Amazon, watching Vines, etc.
I didn't get my report at work done cuz I was multi-slacking.
by Brainblaze January 13, 2015
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1) The act of slapping one's penis against the revolutionary iPhone device in a desire to utilize the new input system. This is usually done with the intent of creating a pleasing "slapping" sound against the iPhone or other modile devices. The best way to do this is when you have men from two different ethnic backgrounds "multi-touching". This creates the greatest experience of "multi colored" "multi-touch".
1) Dude, lets go multi-touch on this new iPhone
by Steve Witherspoon June 15, 2007
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