a ballin team led by former serial murderer casey........ half of our tea is ballin such as me ( weezy) and Walt and cole

but the walin players like BOB and Zach who cant cath the ball
they suck

overall the renegades are ballin and suck at the same time
Casey Powell " o mi god dude the Renegades lax is so ballin
by weezy from da block July 19, 2007
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A really hot garbage lacrosse team made up of white ass fukbois
Hey I’m a piece of shit! By the way I play on the Houston Oilers LAX!
by L4X_PR0D1GY February 20, 2020
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The lifestyle of lax bros everywhere. It's what bros do every day.
Live Love Lax
by BonedHARD January 23, 2011
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a bunch of girls lacrosse players who is always tough on field and not on field. they tend to have a good eyeblack game and cellies is the way of life. and lastly, they have bruises from the lacrosse balls as their personal trophies
girl 1 :yo did you see Washed Up Lax Girls’ post?
girl 2: heck yeaa #PowerMovesOnly
by washeduplaxgirls June 2, 2018
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So named after Florida Fire-Hose (annual event)


Military strength laxative, expolosive in nature, strong enough that even Chuck Norris Fears its name.

Tried only by three people, one was Alexander Litvenenko, who was given it by Russian FSB agents, and literally shat his hair off

The other two were un-named Lebanese men who tried the Lebanese Microwave, one shit out his own intestines, while the other was in a coma for almost a year and still cannot control his anal sphincter

Guy 2: Would you look at that

Guy3: What is it

Guy 2: that fool just took some Florida Fire-Hose (laxative)

Guy 3: Ah thats why his intestines are coating that wall, I thought he was just some eccentric modern artist

Guy 2: Oh no he's that too, and a fag
by Reverend Pope May 28, 2010
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when at a red light you and your bros wearing lax pinnies get out and change the color of the pinnie. if a bro doesnt have a pinnie on he must moon the car next to him. and is mocked by his other bros. Only acception is if the bro is wearing a polo. or other Bro shit. Baseball Players cannot engage in this activity and it can only be done on mondays,tuesdays,thursdays, fridays, saturdays, and sundays. wendsdays are Broly days
that Lax Bro fire drill was totally the bees vagina bro
by alexander Flowveckin October 27, 2010
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