The Tastiest thing you can buy at a supermarket
cheese is very tastey
by Ricardo Killa August 5, 2006
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A boss b*tch , a frosted boss b*tch . peridot .
did you see samantha ? she got puberty and now she's the cheese .
by watergang June 16, 2020
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Cheese famously comes in wheel form, usually this is reserved for presentation and is usually cut and sold in 1/8ths unless your name is Alison Hall at which point the cheese wheel is famously swallowed whole, leaving a cheese wheel like shape in the gut.
"Oi fuck me, you just Alison'd that cheese wheel"
by ddarkeh1 November 14, 2019
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A great or larger amount of money an person has or is making
Damn Saaan how you be banking all that cheese.
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