Slang to refer to a fender with a hispanic (with questionable status). Some hispanic neighborhoods have a tendency to block entire roads over a little fender bender. Thus annoying and impeding the commuters who use that road.
God dammit! I'm gonna be late to work due to this hispanical mechanical in this chicano neighborhood that I pass through. They are blocking the whole road over a fender bender!
by fartso55 January 14, 2019
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Slang name for a gynocologst
"I've just dropped my Mrs off at the Fanny mechanic for her check up"
by Obesio mourinio July 4, 2016
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Some who repairs and improves websites
Dude, your website is crap. You need a cyber mechanic.
by identitycred September 16, 2009
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A gay bisexual man pretending to fix thing and have a imagery trapline
You totally tom the affordable mechaniced it you know how it is
by Tom wealy December 27, 2022
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The mechanic is when a guy tucks his hard dick and sits on the edge of a chair. His bitch slides under his legs and jacks and sucks him till she changes the oil.
Hey girl feel like changing my oil? I need a good mechanic.
by Oilfield diver September 12, 2021
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Someone you go to because you don’t know what the Fuck you are doing
I’ll give up I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing I’ll go to the mechanic
by Ashton079 January 10, 2022
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intoxicated to the level where you cannot function in a normal situation other than operating heavy machinery (IE: driving a motor vehicle or operating a forklift)
My mind was mechanically sober enough to let me drive the car home safely, but not talk without slurring words.
by colonrae May 26, 2015
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