Aarons are usually very fat people. They love to eat and won't stop even for money or family. They tend to eat Indian food and will beg for more if not given the amount they expected. They are expected to eat our world's food stock.
Oh wow, he's obese! Must be an "Aaron" eating all the food
by Big Boi Stevey May 28, 2020
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A dumb bitch who does nothing all day but gets high and eats all the food and is an asshole to everyone until he wants something from them because he is a selfish cunt.
by B B saggin flin like a dragon October 22, 2019
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Truly a god and sexy athletic and has a 9 incher
by jj ff ffjj May 16, 2019
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Is that an Aaron over there

Stop being such an Aaron
by PUsS Likerr April 4, 2017
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A Liar, an unattractive male, has a hot mom
"Ben said the test was really easy"
"Man you never know, sometimes he can be such an Aaron"
by johnnymo07 November 24, 2014
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A jerk who thinks everything happens because of him, cries to everyone about his problems, talks about himself 24/7, and is extremely hard headed. Aarons are also suicidal from time to time.
person #1: Man, that guy sure does whine a lot.
person #2: Yeah, he's such an Aaron.
by child of the tree July 19, 2009
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the length of skin between a mans anus and his scrotum.
gay man 1 - my boyfriends Aaron is freakin huge and nasty!

homo man 2 - dude, huge Aarons are so nasty. thats why theyre always so small.
by harrowed March 16, 2009
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