Something that became Sam Sucks.
It was Suck for Sam. Now it's Sam Sucks. Nice job with the 3rd overall pick.
by Ereck Flowers November 27, 2018
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Sam Gilbank is very popular with the ladies. He is a war veteran who fought for the release of british prisoners who were held captive by brazilian terrorists in Rio. He is famous for having the world's largest penis.
Woah, you penis is almost as large as Sam Gilbanks
by NotSamGilbank October 5, 2020
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Sam Gilbank is a sexy sonofabitch who gets many ladies. He is also a war veteran who fought for the release of british prisoners of war in brazil. He is best know for the worlds largest penis.
by NotSamGilbank October 5, 2020
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A ginger haired fine young specimen notorious for his horrendous states and sick behaviour.
He loves scrounging for beak and doesn’t pay his friends back.
A noteable blair experience would be the act of him doing a wild shit and falling in it and proceeded to go into town not a care in the world of his oder.
don’t be like sam
by spunkymonkeyXD October 7, 2021
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A mixture of tea-bag and facial. Done when ejaculating on to forehead of unsuspecting female, in a dormant state, then lowering and raising scrotum onto and off of cum, spreading it around, until it is evenly distributed and very sticky.
Becky: I woke up this morning to find that my date from last night was gone and that I had been sticky sam'd. It was gross but my skin is rejuvenated.
by Calebcrotch June 19, 2014
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