1. When you severely criticize one’s set of negative habits, traits and emotions solely based on their Star (Astrological) Sign.

2. When a celebrity is being shamed over past wrongdoings.
1. I’ll never get along with Virgos because they’re too hard to get along with.

Be careful, it’s not nice to go Star Shaming out in public .

2. That Celebrity is Star Shaming other Celebrities for their past racist posts against minorities after they stated that they support and stand by them.
by Adb1989 March 31, 2022
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Cupcake paper with nuttella frozen into it flattened and solid
I need to make painal stars for painal day
by Cody5050 January 27, 2022
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best cb / crim player, best chef, better voice than corspe’s husband, best doors / da hood player, black, hmu if u want any of this
person 1: do you know who star!#4205 is?
person 2: yes he's so hot i want him inside me 😍
by 7am#4205 April 22, 2023
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A rubbish tabloid rag which is sensationalist, spreads fake news and conspiracy theories. They are the same newspaper who believed that the moon landing was a CIA hoax, claims that the 9/11 was an inside job and that the bible predicted it, says that an asteroid is approaching the planet earth and that the end of the world is upon us every month. They even claimed that Aliens are coming and created article on how to protect your brain from mind control. They say that using a 'thought screen helmet' prevents aliens from performing any kind of mental control over us. I wouldn't reccomend reading this paper if you are concerned with reliable information because this paper will just end up shoving conspiracy claptrap in your head if you are easily brainwashed.
'Daily Star are a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists and doom mongers'
by Rotten Turkey February 21, 2021
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Pod-Star is usually used in coalition with the game Tribes Vengeance also abbreviated as T:V. In this game one is a Pod-Star when they go by the handle SoulAuctioneer and own teams like 5150.
ZOMG OMG LAWL SoulAuctioneer is such a Pod-Star!!>!
by Jesus H. Christ February 22, 2005
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If wish is not told to someone else, the wish will not be fulfilled per the make-a-wish foundation 2015 revision.
by austinjp17 November 3, 2018
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