When a young girl (minor under 15) being with an old man( more than twice her age) is acceptable. Because she is being raised by crangster gansters in the early 90's. In that world 🌍 those things were accepted. And the girl didn't know any better.
Dennis wasn't my boyfriend he was my old man. He raised me.
by Angel constantinople April 20, 2021
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I can’t get him to do anything he doesn’t want to. He’s an old man baby.
by Danimal_inthesheets March 22, 2019
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A condition in which a cyclist has been riding for so many years that he is just fast... and always will be fast. Said cyclist can fail to ride for months at a time and still beat most others while not even trying.
-Dude that old fat guy just dropped me like a bad habit!

-Yeah Ted's got old man legs, he was a hardcore racer back in the 90's
by butzlightbeer February 3, 2016
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Mid afternoon, when a wave of tiredness just overwhelms you, take an OMK… Just like a Siesta really…
Well, I’m off for an Old Man Kip (OMK) !!!
by Count Shillitoe May 29, 2022
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A man that looks like old man Carl from the movie up also known as Michael 😂 he’s low key so stupid he’s a dick but he’s funny he’s always there for you in his own way
by ????$?$?$&!?&&?&!& July 5, 2022
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A man that looks like old man Carl from the movie up also known as Michael 😂 he’s low key so stupid he’s a dick but he’s funny he’s always there for you in his own way
by ????$?$?$&!?&&?&!& July 5, 2022
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