When an action or opinion is the opposite of very cash money
Discord banning Quackity was very cash moneyn’t

YouTube, Vox, and WSJ trying to hurt pewsiepie is very cash moneyn’t

Yo, chad. Banging my girl was incredibly cash moneyn’t.
by Jaded Optimist January 24, 2019
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to be in need of more money
Friend A: Wanna go to the movies with us this weekend?
Friend B: Could you lend me the money? I'm scrap for cash.
by Oh, hey. August 14, 2012
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a horny 10-year-old Roblox ODer that goes onto CON CON CON CON CON CON games and fucks lego girls in the pussy, when they're most likely actually guys in real life. he also goes on rants about how YouTubers like greenlegocats123 are manipulative when in reality they're just showing opinions against ODing, which is against roblox TOS, Without any evidence that he's manipulative at all. I actually disagree with some of greenlegocats123's opinions but this little retarded ODer is just whining because he can't get lego pussy because of him. I can't wait for his mom to spank him after she finds PornHub in his internet history.
>Cash Black goes onto flovs condo
>fake girl continues so blow his lego dick harder
>roblox shuts down the condo game
Cash Black: FUCK I was so horny I was jacking my real life dick off to lego roblox porn
Cash Black: fuck, greenlegocats123 uploaded another video against oders, time to whine my little ass off about how he's manipulative.
by DesiredApple1 October 15, 2019
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(n.) A stack or roll of paper money, usually used to flaunt one's wealth. While a cash loaf can consist of any number of any denomination of bills, twenty or more $20 USD bills are most often used.
Look, that guy's flashing his cash loaf again.
by Hnery Derpington III December 3, 2017
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Something lacking financial support, broke or lacking quality
Julian's rock crawler is a real hunk of junk, its the embodiment of a lo-cash build.
by FULLSIZETAKEOVER October 29, 2020
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the definition of a gay frog that forgets to get his dick sucked so he hires cash to do it for him
dude that frog just got a cash g
by realboi3000 April 27, 2020
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Cash or ass - definition - when you loan a couple hundred bucks to a great friend and she avoids paying you back, but wants her car worked on.

Cash or ass and we are squared up
Friend 1 - man what happened to alissa?
Me - idk bro why?
Friend 1 - isn't that her over there?
Me - hell yeah she owes me cash or ass!

Friend 1 - what? Lol
Me - she owes me two hundred bones

Friend 1- oh, cash or ass, I see
by Ben Franklin 💯 August 30, 2017
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